who we are

About Us

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Cities Learn is a product of Northwestern University's Digital Youth Network (DYN). DYN is a research lab focused on designing more effective systems for youth. We are a team of researchers, product designers, technologists and practitioners that have worked at every level of the out-of-school time space since 2005.

Our team has led citywide OST networks, redesigned how public libraries can engage youth, delivered STEAM programming for thousands and developed a purpose-built infrastructure specifically for OST.

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About cities learn

About Us        

Communities want to provide equitable access to after-school and other enrichment opportunities for their youth, but they lack a shared understanding of the learning landscape necessary to drive alignment. 

Without this understanding, it’s impossible for communities to create specialised programming, an OST provider network, learning policies or transportation systems that will support quality youth programming in the neighbourhoods that need them most. 

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History of us

Communities want to provide equitable access to after-school and other enrichment opportunities for their youth, but they lack a shared understanding of the learning landscape necessary to drive alignment. 

Without this understanding, it’s impossible for communities to create specialised programming, an OST provider network, learning policies or transportation systems that will support quality youth programming in the neighbourhoods that need them most. 

Funded by

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Current research

Citieslearn connects stakeholders in a city's out-of-school time network, providing a hub for collecting and sharing data to gain a comprehensive view of youth development and identify areas of need.

Citieslearn connects stakeholders in a city's out-of-school time network, providing a hub for collecting and sharing data to gain a comprehensive view of youth development and identify areas of need.

  • green color image
    Customized Solutions: Offers customized tools and resources
  • blue color image
    Features : Specific features of the platform that are tailored to each stakeholder group
  • yellow green color image
    Results: Highlights the positive impact of using the platform,
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Our team

Dr. Nichole Pinkard


Akili Lee


Dr. Yolanda Majors

Research Lab Director

Arikpo Dada

Program Coordinator

Mark Ellul

Lead Software Engineer

Deanna Howlett

Data Analyst

Mighel Jackson

Technical Operations Manager

Viviana Lanuza


Sydney Simmons


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